Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene
In the South Caribbean Coast region, more than 90% of the population does not have access to clean water. Since 2008, blueEnergy has been building and installing water filters, deep wells and latrines to improve access to water and sanitation in the region through our WASH program. In Ethiopia, blueEnergy has been installing solar-powered water pumping systems for rural communities since 2014 in partnership with MCMDO.
Technology We Implement

Biosand Water Filters
Biosand water filters use gravity and naturally occurring bacteria to eliminate the vast majority of water contamination. Clean water reduces infant mortality and increases productivity and well-being.
Ecological Latrines
"Eco-Baños" are anIntegrated ecological bathroom system that contributes to health, sanitation, and hygiene in an environmentally friendly way. A rainwater collection system is connected to the sink, showering facilities, and a gray water treatment system.

Deep Water Wells & CAPS
Mechanized and manually dug water wells provide access to cleaner water that is not exposed to surface pollutants. CAPS (Drinking Water and Sanitation Committees) are the structures responsible for managing the systems installed in the community and promoting good practices.

Grey Water
Treatment System
Two grey water treatment systems allow grey water treatment, reduction of runoff rainwater, and healthy food harvesting. This system creates a microclimate environment and drainage system with an absorption center for the water coming from the sink, shower, and kitchen, reducing the contamination of groundwater and soil.

Solar-Powered Water Pumping System
Solar water pumping makes drinking water more readily available, such as in rural Ethiopia, which can be vital for food security in a changing climate

Community Hand-Washing Stations
Community hand-washing stations implemented in schools and community centers improve hygiene conditions and wellbeing.
Project Highlights

Community Water Wells in Punta Masaya and Rubén Darío - Nicaragua

Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in San Pedro and San Mateo - Nicaragua

Solar Water Pumping project in Harari region – Ethiopia
History of the program
2008 - Present
Our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program begin in 2008. People in Bluefields were getting sick from the water, raising the question of water quality and the cost to the community of buying water to avoid getting sick. Seeing this, blueEnergy built our own water filters tailored to the needs of the community, setting the stage for our WASH program.